2 day intensive


August 10 – 11, 2023


I’m hosting The Renaissance Woman’s 2-day Mastery Intensive on August 10th and 11th at my headquarters in the Atlanta area. This exclusive event is reserved for 20 women who are ready to unleash their femininity, become the women men crave, and awaken their sensuality.

I have a question for you. Are you ready to step into your power, make an identity switch and become the best version of yourself?

We’re not just talking about superficial changes here, ladies. We’re talking about a complete transformation from the inside out. And trust me, it’s going to be life-changing!








At the Renaissance Woman 2-Day Mastery Intensive…

we’re not just going to be talking about theory; we’re giving you practical tools and techniques that you can start implementing immediately. You’ll learn how to tap into your femininity and sensuality and use it to your advantage in all areas of your life.

Although I know you want to learn how to become the type of woman men crave, you will also learn that embracing your sensuality and femininity is not just about attracting men – it’s about connecting with yourself on a deeper level and living life to the fullest.

I’m here to help you embrace your femininity and explore what that means to you. You’ll learn to tap into your feminine energy and use it to tap into your passions, surrender, and create the life you’ve always dreamed of. You’ll also learn to tap into your intuition and trust your inner voice, which can help you make better decisions.

Additionally, embracing your femininity can help you connect more deeply with your creativity and sense of purpose. It also allows you to tap into your innate power as a woman and create a fulfilling, joyful, and meaningful environment.

Unfortunately, women are taught to repress their sensual nature or use it solely to attract a man. But the truth is, your sensuality is a powerful force that can be used for your pleasure and enjoyment and for deepening your connection with yourself and others.

During this event, a special guest and I will guide you through exercises and activities that will help you awaken your sensual energy and explore your desires and preferences in a safe, supportive environment. You’ll learn how to use your senses to fully engage with the world around you and experience pleasure in a whole new way.

Connecting with your sensual nature will help you better understand yourself and your needs. You’ll learn to appreciate your body for all it can do and feel more confident and empowered in all areas of your life. You’ll also be able to use your sensual energy to cultivate deeper, more fulfilling relationships with others – whether that’s with a romantic partner, friends, or family.

Ultimately, embracing your sensuality is about owning your body, desires, and pleasure. It’s about living life on your terms and experiencing all the joy and delight the world offers.

This magical event is for women who are ready to take their lives to the next level. Women who are tired of living the same old life and are ready to transform. Women desiring to awaken their inner goddesses and become the woman they were meant to be.

This event is only for you if you are willing to commit to your personal growth. It’s not for women unwilling to invest in themselves and their future. It’s only for you if you’re bold in stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new.

The grand finale will be the luxury suite experience for the Beyoncé Renaissance Woman tour, which will take place in Atlanta at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium. This is an experience of a lifetime and one that you don’t want to miss.


Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to learn from one of the industry’s most respected and knowledgeable feminine lifestyle strategists – apply now to secure your spot at the Renaissance Woman 2-Day Mastery Intensive Event.


AUGUST 10, 2023


  • What is femininity? You will learn about qualities typically associated with femininity, such as gentleness, empathy, nurturing, and receptivity. You will also learn how to embrace your unique expression of femininity rather than trying to conform to societal expectations.


  • How to show up in your complete femininity: You will discover how to embody the full spectrum of your femininity, including your softness, sensuality, and vulnerability. You will learn how to balance your feminine energy with your masculine energy so that you can show up in the world with confidence and grace.


  • How to be feminine in a masculine world: You will gain insight into how to navigate a world that often values masculine traits over feminine ones. You will learn how to use your feminine qualities to your advantage, whether in your career, relationships, or personal life.


  • Why your femininity has been suppressed: You will explore the cultural and societal factors that have contributed to the suppression of femininity. You will learn how to reclaim your femininity and use it as a source of power and strength.


  • How to use your femininity to call in abundance: You will discover how to tap into the universal energy of abundance and prosperity, using your feminine qualities as a conduit. You will learn how to cultivate a mindset of abundance and attract more opportunities and blessings into your life.


  • How your masculine energy impacts your health and well-being: You will gain insight into how your masculine energy can sometimes override your feminine energy, leading to stress, burnout, and other health issues. You will learn how to balance your energies and create a more harmonious and healthy life.


  • How your femininity shows up in relationships: You will explore how your feminine qualities can impact your relationships with others, whether it’s romantic partners, family members, or friends. You will learn how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and cultivate more loving and fulfilling connections.


  • Why femininity is your life force: You will discover how your feminine energy is the life force that sustains you and gives you vitality and joy. You will learn how to honor and nurture your femininity so that you can live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.


  • How to set boundaries and stand up for yourself: You will gain practical tools and strategies for effectively communicating your needs. You will learn how to assert yourself without sacrificing your femininity or compassion.


  • How to let go of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors: You will explore the beliefs and behaviors that may be holding you back from fully embracing your femininity. You will learn how to release these patterns and create a new, empowering narrative for your life.


  • The qualities you must have to be viewed as a high-caliber feminine woman: You will gain insight into the qualities that are typically associated with a high-caliber feminine woman, such as confidence, grace, authenticity, and inner strength. You will learn how to cultivate these qualities within yourself and show up as your best self.


  • How to cultivate self-love and self-care practices: You will discover the importance of self-love and self-care in cultivating your femininity. You will learn practical tools and strategies for taking care of yourself and honoring your unique needs and desires.


  • How to tap into your intuition and make spirit-guided decisions: You will learn how to access your intuition and use it as a powerful guide in your life. You will learn how to distinguish between the voice of fear and the voice of wisdom and how to trust your inner guidance.


And More…


AUGUST 10, 2023


  •  How to use feminine language when communicating with men: Participants will learn how the art of feminine language creates a collaborative and respectful atmosphere when communicating with men.

  • How to be more feminine in your interactions with men: Participants will learn to embrace traits such as kindness and openness to create a more feminine presence when interacting with men.

  • Why masculine men crave feminine women: Participants will learn about the psychology behind why masculine men are attracted to feminine women and how this dynamic can create a solid and fulfilling relationship.

  • What traits separate feminine women from the rest: Participants will learn about the unique characteristics that define feminine women and how these traits can help to attract and maintain the interest of high-quality men. This will stop you from worrying about competition.

  • Why masculine men thrive with feminine energy present: Participants will learn how feminine energy can bring balance, harmony, and wealth to a relationship with a masculine man.

  • How femininity heightens a man’s primal instincts: Participants will learn how feminine energy and traits can activate a man’s primal instincts to protect, provide and create a deeper attraction and connection.
  • Why masculine men love an interdependent woman: Participants will learn how a self-sufficient and interdependent woman can create a healthy and balanced relationship with a masculine man. Become the woman who wants for nothing, but receives everything. 

  • Three feminine traits men can’t resist: Participants will learn about three vital feminine qualities that are irresistible to men and how to cultivate these traits within themselves.

  • How to embrace your feminine energy and allow a man to take the lead in dating: Participants will learn how to rest in their feminine energy and allow a man to take the lead in the dating process while still maintaining their own sense of self. This works if you are in a relationship as well. 
  • The power of vulnerability and how to open up to a man in a way authentic to yourself: Participants will learn about the power of vulnerability in creating deeper connections with men and how to open up in a way that feels authentic and safe. How to understand the different levels of vulnerability. 

  • How to communicate your needs and desires clearly, confidently, and effectively while allowing room for a man to lead: Participants will learn how to share their needs and wants in a way that is both confident and respectful while still allowing a man to lead.

  • The importance of self-care and prioritizing your needs while still showing up as your best self in the dating process: Participants will learn about self-care and self-maintenance and how to prioritize their needs while still showing up as their best selves.
  • How to create a strong, magnetic presence that will make you irresistible to high-quality men: Participants will learn how to have a magnetic presence that will attract high-quality or keep a high-caliber man and create deeper connections.

  • The role of chemistry and attraction in a healthy, fulfilling relationship, and how to cultivate that with a man: Participants will learn about the role of chemistry and attraction in creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship and how to cultivate these qualities with a man. This is whether you are single or in a relationship.
  • How to establish healthy boundaries in the dating process and avoid getting caught up in negative patterns or unhealthy relationships: Participants will learn how to develop healthy boundaries in the dating process to avoid getting caught up in negative patterns or unhealthy relationships.

  • The importance of patience and allowing a man to pursue you at his own pace: Participants will learn about the importance of patience and how to allow a man to pursue them at his own pace while still maintaining their boundaries and sense of self.
  • How to maintain a sense of mystery and intrigue that will keep a man interested and engaged: Participants will learn how to maintain a sense of mystery and intrigue that will keep a man interested and engaged in the relationship.

  • How to create a solid emotional connection with a man that will deepen your relationship over time: Participants will learn how to create a strong emotional connection with a man that will deepen their relationship and create a safe space for both parties. 

And More…


AUGUST 11, 2023

Awaken Your Sensuality

  • How to connect to all of your five senses: This topic is about helping participants become more aware of their senses and how they experience the world. They will learn to focus on each sense individually, noticing things they may not have noticed before, and how to use their senses to be more present at the moment.
  • Dance your way back to your sexy: This topic is about using movement to tap into one’s sensuality. Participants will learn how to move their bodies in a way that feels sexy and empowering and how to use dance as a tool for self-expression and feeling good about themselves.


  • Rediscover your body: This topic is about relearning how to appreciate and love one’s body. Participants will learn how to overcome negative self-talk and embrace their unique qualities. They will also learn to accept their bodies for what they are and focus on what makes them feel good.


  • How to allow your body to move fluidly: This topic is about learning how to move one’s body naturally and fluidly. Participants will learn how to let go of tension and inhibitions and allow their bodies to move in a way that feels good.


  • How to love your body: This topic is about making a conscious decision to love and appreciate one’s body. Participants will learn to shift their mindset and focus on what they love about themselves rather than what they don’t.


  • How to improve your relationship with your body: This topic is about building a positive relationship with one’s body. Participants will learn how to listen to their bodies, respond to their needs, and treat themselves with kindness and respect.


  • How to embrace your body and appreciate it for all its unique qualities and beauty: This topic is about celebrating one’s body and all its unique qualities. Participants will learn how to appreciate their bodies for what they are and focus on what makes them beautiful and special.


  • Bring your heels and lingerie (shorts and a sports bra or tank top, ok) and prepare to awaken your sensuality with movement: This is about fully immersing oneself in the experience. Participants are encouraged to bring clothing that makes them feel good, such as heels or lingerie, to perform the fun exercises to help them tap into their sensuality and fully embrace the experience.


  • Beyonce Luxury Suite Ticket
  • Luxury Transportation to the Concert
  • Continental Breakfast
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Catered Lunch
  • 1 Year Access to:
    • Reclaim Your Femininity 5-Day Boot Camp
    • Bonus: Teach Me How to Date 5-Day Boot Camp




Where will the event be held?

This event will occur at The April Mason Headquarters in the Metro Atlanta area. If approved, you will receive an email with further details.

When will I know if I have been accepted?

You will receive an email and/or text letting us know you’ve been accepted. Please make sure you check all of your email folders.

What's not included?
  • Flights
  • Hotel accommodations
    • Hotel options will be disclosed in the ‘Welcome Email’ if you are accepted.
  • Ground transportation (except for Friday night)
Is there a limited number of tickets available

This event is intended to be an intimate event. Seating is limited to 20.

Is there a virtual option?


If my plans change, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, no. However, you may transfer your ticket to someone else. Please keep in mind that you agree to this policy’s terms by purchasing your ticket and forfeit your right to dispute charges.

I have another question. Who can help me?

Please fill out the contact form below.


Testimonials from women who have attended April Mason events

April’s events have changed my life. I went from feeling stuck and hopeless to feeling empowered and unstoppable.

Rhonda H.

April is a gifted teacher. Her events are a must-attend for any woman looking to transform her life.

Jessica R.

April’s events are life-changing. I can’t recommend them enough

Nicole C.

Attending April’s events was the best decision I ever made. I learned to love myself and embrace my femininity.

Melissa G.

I was hesitant to attend April’s events, but I’m so glad I did. It was exactly what I needed to transform my life.

Rachel M.

April is a true inspiration. Her events are not to be missed.

Sarah F.


Have questions about the upcoming event? Shoot us a message below, we’ll do our best to get back to you within 24-48 hours.

12 + 9 =

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